THE NEW GROOVE REVOLUTION interrupts the negative sequences and can create new and POSITIVE grooves in your mind, body and soul -- ones that you design and that pre-engineer you for success and self-actualization.
It’s holistic healing and pure momentum, for you, from the inside out.
Unconscious patterns and grooves, that have been implanted by our culture and our families of origin, can undermine us.
Interrupt the old grooves and patterns in your brain (and our culture!), lay down new ones, and design your entire life for self-actualization, self organization, self friendship and self success.
Flourish, accomplish, grow, glow.
What if you could uncover unconscious strategies and reframe them so they begin working for you, rather than against you?
I can work with you, to design and integrate a life-map that works for your frequency, your life, your world.
THE NEW GROOVE REVOLUTION is a holistic body-mind-soul approach and can begin shifting your physical, mental, soul-level, health in the way that YOU wish to fully express it.
This ...
... so YOU can find YOUR rhythm and rock YOUR groove!
In our sessions we will be drawing from HNLP (Humanistic Neuro- linguistic Programming / Psychology) / HNLP, Holistic Nutrition and other Mind/ Body modalities so that you can learn to trust your own intuition and then support you to innovate and integrate your new personal life-map for moving through stuck places and groove it forward!
THE NEW GROOVE REVOLUTION Approach is adaptive. It's conscious. It's already in you. It's YOUR groove. Your rhythm. Your song. Your signature move. It's your #1 hit record.
It's your own personal labyrinth to navigate.
Instead of floundering around trying out a multitude of different tools, harness the genius and beauty of your own subconscious / unconscious qualities and re-sources and begin experimenting constructively with purpose.
Consciousness-raising, individually and collectively, is sacred. It's activism and I am absolutely committed to this work. I am honoured to do this with you.